
Swiggy is one of the two largest food delivery/quick commerce companies in 🇮🇳 India with over 20 million monthly users, valued at $10 billion


Product & partnership led growth

my role

Product Designer


1 PM, 1 PD, 8+ engineers + more

What did I do?



Copy writing

Motion design

High fidelity prototype

Framework building

Quality control and execution

Helped in marketing strategy

Let's look at the flow first :). It's on loop, you might have to wait a few seconds

Project timeline

A rough visual representation of the whole process from inception till measurement


India loves cricket

Cricket is more than a sport in India, 2023's men's World cup had more than 500 million views from India. During which we saw some huge spikes in metrics like orders/day, average order values and frequency. Even till 1.5X times the normal days, which is quite astounding at Swiggy's scale where we have 1.5million+ daily food orders.

Cricket is more than a sport in India, 2023's men's World cup had more than 500 million views from India. During which we saw some huge spikes in metrics like orders/day, average order values and frequency. Even till 1.5X times the normal days, which is quite astounding at Swiggy's scale where we have 1.5million+ daily food orders.

Cricket is more than a sport in India, 2023's men's World cup had more than 500 million views from India. During which we saw some huge spikes in metrics like orders/day, average order values and frequency. Even till 1.5X times the normal days, which is quite astounding at Swiggy's scale where we have 1.5million+ daily food orders.

How can product come into picture?

It usually goes like this, there are external events throughout the year, Marketing runs offer campaigns to leverage on those opportunities. However seeing the spike in numbers for 2023's World cup,

Leadership wanted a more aggressive approach to gaining competitive advantage. On a high level, the objectives were:

Competitive advantage

Brand loyalty

Long term user retention

"How can we gamify order placements in Swiggy for IPL (Indian premier league) 2024?"

50+ innovative ideas from the team

Since cricket is such a popular topic, instead ideating in a silo, we decided on sourcing ideas from the whole team of designers, product managers, marketers, engineers. We used a slack channel to collect ideas. Turns out there are so many cricket enthusiasts in the team. Some of the ideas we converged on:

Swiggy sixes

Everytime anyone hits a 6 during an IPL match, Swiggy users will have a window to claim ₹6 as

Swiggy money


Collectibles can vary from virtual Cards to trophies to anything, Users will be rewarded based on their collection

Swiggy mini teams

Replica of a fantasy teams game where users will make teams of 3 and based on the performance of their team in IPL, they will win coupons/Swiggy moey

Swiggy Tambola

Each user will be assigned a system generated Tambola ticket which will have performance parameters of the two teams playing, User will be rewarded the same way players are rewarded in real Tambola

Gamification is a buzzword!

In the name of gamification, often times, products build mindless leaderboards and point systems and hand out rewards and then wonder why the engagement is low. I wanted to follow the core principles so that we make informed decisions. Not to mention the construct should celebrate Cricket and have the context of ongoing IPL (Indian premier league).

User validation

Even though we were quite stoked about all the ideas, it was crucial that the users also felt the same. I along with the Product manager, Winy talked to 20/25 people outside of Swiggy in order to know which of the ideas excite them. Additionally we had run polls in Slack channels. Some of the user interview questions were like these:

Who’s your favourite player?

Who’s your favourite team and why?

How frequently do you watch IPL matches

Understanding complexity

Would you share this among friends?

Excitement level?

Interesting insights

Even though we were quite stoked about all the ideas, it was crucial that the users also felt the same. I along with the Product manager, Winy talked to 20/25 people outside of Swiggy in order to know which of the ideas excite them. Additionally we had run polls in Slack channels

After we have talked to enough people, we had made three buckets. This was crucial for the next part of the strategy.

Personas based on user conversation

IPL Fanatic

Has a favourite player and a favourite team

Watches almost all IPL matches

Emotionally invested

IPL Aware

Has a favourite player and favourite team

Watches IPL matches in the weekends if they have company

Not emotionally invested

IPL Agnostic

Doesn’t have a favourite player or team

Doesn’t watch any matches

Not emotionally invested at all

initial challenges

The great dilemma

Which construct to go forward with? This discussion alone took weeks. For a project which is as huge as this in terms of scale (Pan India), There are multiple stakeholders from different departments involved in the decision making process. It was a huge challenge to bring everyone on the same page. We narrowed down to two options

Swiggy sixes

Everytime anyone hits a 6 during an IPL match, Swiggy users will have a window to claim ₹6 as

Swiggy money


Collectibles can vary from virtual Cards to trophies to anything, Users will be rewarded based on their collection

We team decided on
Collectibles (Trump cards)

Although each of the ideas were worthy enough to be worked on, we decided to go with collectibles as a construct, mainly because the primary target users were pretty excited about this and we believed this will drive active engagement even outside of match hours

deciding factors

User backwardness

Social shareability



Ability to drive New and Dormant users

Personal Biases 🫠


After having spent almost a month deciding what to build, we finally moved towards the actual design part, Trump cards is an exceptional idea which no competitor of us have made before. I specifically wanted to take inspiration from the real life Trump cards from the 90s for the mechanism, behaviour and the visuals. Important nuances were:

Marketing strategy

Visual identity

Brand position

Hook rewards


Guiding philosophy

People love their nostalgic moments, The construct is designed keeping the 90s kid in mind who are now adults. Nostalgia should extend to visuals, copies, communication and marketing. Design principles we followed:

Emotional design


challenges we faced

"It's not looking like Swiggy!?"

I have grown up playing games, GTA, FIFA, Max Payne, NFS. Game design has a special place in my heart. I went full out and made a style-guide which looked immersive and engaging. Two schools of thought here on the design philosophy,

  1. First option being, It should be immersive but should feel like a Game by Swiggy
    example: Google pay's games

  2. Second option being, it can have certain elements of Swiggy but it can have it's own identity,
    example: Apple's fitness app's badges

I have grown up playing games, GTA, FIFA, Max Payne, NFS. Game design has a special place in my heart. I went full out and made a style-guide which looked immersive and engaging. Two schools of thought here on the design philosophy,

  1. First option being, It should be immersive but should feel like a Game by Swiggy
    example: Google pay's games

  2. Second option being, it can have certain elements of Swiggy but it can have it's own identity,
    example: Apple's fitness app's badges

I have grown up playing games, GTA, FIFA, Max Payne, NFS. Game design has a special place in my heart. I went full out and made a style-guide which looked immersive and engaging. Two schools of thought here on the design philosophy,

  1. First option being, It should be immersive but should feel like a Game by Swiggy
    example: Google pay's games

  2. Second option being, it can have certain elements of Swiggy but it can have it's own identity,
    example: Apple's fitness app's badges

Initial exploration: Fully immersive, independent visual language

After we made it more 'Swiggy'


Play a quiz, or order from Swiggy, collect Trump cards, the win rewards.

This is the high level mechanism of the construct. We faced a lot of challenges while:

Reward structure

Educating the user about ways to win a card

Entry point on Swiggy homepage

Educating the user about shareability

Onboarding flow


Milestone achieved


15 cards collected


Visual direction explorations

Visual design has been a rollercoaster ride for this project. Biggest challenge was to align all the stakeholder onto one direction while everyone is opinionated about cricket.

future prospects


I'm a strong advocate for System level thinking and this particular project is made in a modular system which is plug and play for different use-cases


These are some of the success metrics, where the north star is incremental orders/day. Not sharing the numbers publicly for confidentiality reasons :)

Business metrics

Incremental orders/ day

7, 15, 30 days retention

Total new users activated

Total dormant user reactivated

Gamification metrics

Daily engagement

Reward claim rate

CTR (collective)

qualitative metrics

Social media attention

Word of mouth

Thanks for watching

To view the full case study, please open the link on a desktop :)



Swiggy is one of the two largest food delivery/quick commerce companies

in 🇮🇳 India with over 20 million monthly users, valued at $10 billion

Let’s have a word?

Bikiron Bora


Let’s have a word?

Bikiron Bora

